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5 DIY Tips for a Younger-Looking Smile

September 11, 2017

Filed under: General Dentistry — tntadmin @ 10:28 pm

Over the years, you expect for your appearance to change as wrinkles and fine lines develop while a few gray hairs begin to show the passing of time. However, your teeth can also show your age. Thankfully, you can help to turn back the clock to keep your smile looking younger with simple do-it-yourself tips that you can use right at home.

My Child Refuses to Brush Their Teeth!

September 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:25 pm

You feel like your bathroom has become a battlefield! Your child doesn’t even want to brush their teeth, and you’ve tried everything. You’ve asked nicely, you’ve yelled, you even tried a sneak attack, which ended in tears and now you’re at your wits end. How can you get your child on board with brushing their teeth? Here are some helpful hints.
