Find Out If You Have Sensitive Teeth From Your Dentist in Phillipsburg
December 28, 2017
Tooth sensitivity can occur for several different reasons. Whether you just got back from a teeth-whitening treatment or you took a sip of ice cold water, it’s imperative to have it looked over by your dentist in Phillipsburg. Sensitivity could also indicate something deeper is wrong in your mouth.
Fortunately, tooth sensitivity is easily noticeable. Keep reading to find out what could be causing it and how your dentist can treat it today.
Your Dentist in Phillipsburg Explains the Benefits of Mouthwash
December 11, 2017
Just like all the other products in the oral care section, mouthwash comes in many different forms. Besides the aariations of blue, green, and purple that line the shelves, you really aren’t sure what their differences are. Could they actually improve your oral routine? Do you really need one?
To make it easier, your dentist in Phillipsburg is here to provide the facts. They are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to preventive care and mouthwash can take that care to another level.