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Instead of Risking Making These 5 Mistakes, Get Teeth Whitening in Phillipsburg

April 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:57 pm

You’ve noticed the weather starting to warm up and know summer is just around the corner. You’re looking forward to having a refreshed smile to show off at the beach but wonder what the best option for brightening your smile is. No matter what you choose, be sure to avoid making these 5 mistakes and remember that getting professional teeth whitening in Phillipsburg can deliver the results you want without putting your oral health at risk. Read on to learn what to look out for while brightening your smile at home.


Is Laser Dentistry in Phillipsburg Really Pain Free?

April 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:15 pm

Technology is amazing, isn’t it? We can hold more computing power in our hands than an entire room could hold 50 years ago. In the dentistry field, there have been exciting developments with lasers to make dental treatments much easier and more enjoyable for patients. But does it really work with little or no pain? Is it too good to be true? In this post, learn more about innovative laser dentistry in Phillipsburg and how it can help you have a better experience in the dentist’s chair.
