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Why Does Only One Side of My Jaw Hurt?

July 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:21 pm

There are many different things that can cause our jaw to become sore. After all, your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the most complex joint in your whole body, meaning it’s susceptible to a variety of ailments and issues. That said, sometimes jaw pain can actually only affect one side of your jaw! But what does this mean and what should you do about it? Keep reading to learn more from your dentist in Phillipsburg about what causes jaw pain on only one side of your mouth and why seeking treatment is a wise option.


Why You Should Praise Your Child for Brushing Their Teeth

July 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:41 pm

If you’re a parent, your own teeth aren’t the only ones you’re responsible for—you also must ensure that your little one is taking care of their pearly whites! Children are just as susceptible to oral health issues as adults are, meaning that it’s important to encourage and establish good hygiene practices early on. Keep reading to learn more from your children’s dentist in Phillipsburg about why and how you should praise your child for brushing their teeth.
