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Why Dental Implants Are Nothing To Be Scared Of

June 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — demartinodental @ 5:54 pm
3D render of a dental implant

Dental implants promise patients incredible strength, durability, and stability in their bite. If you’re looking for a good way to replace your teeth, they’re pretty hard to beat.

However, many patients who are interested in what dental implants have to offer are put off by the idea of surgery. If that describes you, you shouldn’t let anxiety about the procedure get in the way of a beautiful smile. Here’s why you don’t need to be scared of the prospect of dental implant surgery. 


Why You Should Prefer Composite Over Amalgam Fillings

June 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — demartinodental @ 5:51 pm
3D render of a composite filling

Dental fillings have the distinction of being one of the most recognizable and popular dental treatments among the general population. According to the 2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, around 90% of adults have experienced some level of tooth decay, and the average adult has received anywhere between 6 and 7 fillings.

Still, as prominent as they are, some people still don’t completely understand the various materials that fillings can be made out of. Some people still expect to get metal fillings, even though tooth-colored composite has been the industry standard for years now.

If you want to know why so many dentists prefer composite fillings to metal ones, here are a few reasons that that’s the case.
