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Dental Disasters: The Most Common Dental Emergencies and How They Are Treated

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — demartinodental @ 9:02 pm
Man has dental pain

As much as everybody would love to avoid any sort of dental emergency, they happen from time to time. They can result from things like falls, a blow to the face, poor chewing habits, reflexive grinding, or the neglect of oral hygiene. While each dental emergency is different, dentists tend to see a few types of them more frequently than others. Here’s a quick look at some of the most common oral health emergencies as well as how your dentist can treat them.

A Nasty Toothache Will Make a Strong Man Quake

Tooth decay is a stealthy and treacherous little menace that often goes undetected for far too long. The harmful oral bacteria that cause tooth decay feed on the residual sugar in a person’s mouth, and a cavity will not get better on its own after it has formed. While a cavity can usually be treated with a filling if it is caught early enough, untreated tooth decay can lead to a severe throbbing toothache if the infection reaches the pulp at the center of the tooth.

This sort of severe toothache is usually treated with a root canal, during which your dentist will remove the infected pulp, sanitize, fill, and seal the tooth’s inner chamber, and restore the tooth’s appearance and function with a dental crown. This treatment can end a toothache immediately, prevent future infections, and save a tooth from extraction.

Dentists Can Treat Knocked-Out Teeth

If a tooth is lost due to a blow to the face or other physical trauma, it can often be reimplanted into the gum tissue if it gets to a dentist soon enough. However, a dislodged tooth’s chances of being reimplanted begin to fall after about thirty minutes, so it’s important to know what to do ahead of time and act quickly. There are kits available at pharmacies that can keep a dislodged tooth in savable condition for up to twenty-four hours, which is great if your dentist’s office isn’t open yet.

Begin by locating the tooth while taking care to handle it only by the crown since touching it by the root can damage the vulnerable tissues inside. If it is dirty, clean it by swishing it about in lukewarm water. Try to place it back in the gum or in the lip, but store it in a container with milk or saliva if this is not possible. Call your dentist to explain the situation and let them know you are coming.

Once you are there, your dentist may be able to reimplant the tooth in its socket where it will naturally reintegrate with the surrounding bone and soft tissue over the coming weeks. However, it may be necessary to discuss replacement options if the tooth cannot be saved.

It’s best to avoid dental emergencies, but being prepared for them is a close second. By knowing what to do and who to turn to when you are struck by an oral health crisis, you can set yourself up to reach the best possible outcome.

About the Practice

DeMartino Advanced Cosmetic & Laser Dentistry provides the finest dental health services that can be found in Phillipsburg, NJ. Led by Drs. Jeffrey R. DeMartino and Nelida Garcia-DeMartino, the staff treats each patient with compassion and courtesy in a calming and welcoming environment. Areas of expertise include preventive, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry. If you are having a dental emergency, dial (908) 859-5260. For other inquiries, contact the office online.

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